ICD-11 classes
12 Diseases of the respiratory system
Symptoms, signs or clinical findings of the respiratory...
Symptoms or signs involving the respiratory system
MD11 — Abnormalities of breathing
MD11.5 — Dyspnoea

ICD-11 MD11.5 — Dyspnoea

Dyspnoea is used to describe perceptions of difficulty or distress related to breathing and is recognised as symptomatic of disease when it occurs under inappropriate circumstances. Dyspnoea is a presenting complaint of patients with a wide variety of medical diseases by multiple mechanisms. Dyspnoea is considered acute when it lasts from hours up to 3 weeks, subacute from 3 weeks up to 8 weeks, and chronic dyspnoea lasts more than 8 weeks.

It includes 1 item.

  • Orthopnoea

It excludes 1 item.

  • Transient tachypnoea of newborn (KB23.1)

It has no clarifying diagnoses.

The diagnosis is coded elsewhere:

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