ICD-11 classes
14 Diseases of the skin
Certain skin disorders attributable to infection or...
EA60 — Certain skin disorders attributable to fungal infection
1F2D — Non-dermatophyte superficial dermatomycoses
1F2D.5 — Onychomycosis due to non-dermatophyte mould

ICD-11 1F2D.5 — Onychomycosis due to non-dermatophyte mould

Fungal nail infection due to organisms other than Candida and dermatophytes. These include Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, Neoscytalidium dimidiatum, Fusarium spp., and Aspergillus spp., which may not respond to therapies directed at the more common causes of onychomycosis.

The diagnosis includes nothing.

It excludes 1 item.

  • Candidosis of nail or paronychium (1F23.13)

It has no clarifying diagnoses.

The diagnosis is coded elsewhere:

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