ICD-11 classes
14 Diseases of the skin
Inflammatory dermatoses
Papulosquamous dermatoses
EA91 — Lichen planus

ICD-11 EA91 — Lichen planus

Lichen planus is an inflammatory disease of skin and mucous membranes characterised by intense inflammation at the interface between epidermis/epithelium and dermis/corium. Its clinical manifestations vary according to how acutely it develops and to where it attacks. On the skin it typically presents as a symmetrical eruption of itchy, flat-topped pink or purple papules or plaques. Involvement of the scalp or nail matrix can produce permanent loss of hair or nails respectively. Although mucous membrane involvement can be asymptomatic, it can cause significant pain and distress, particularly when it is erosive.

The diagnosis includes nothing.

The diagnosis excludes nothing.

Diagnosis with code EA91 contains 9 clarifying diagnoses:

  1. EA91.0 — Acute eruptive lichen planus
  2. EA91.1 — Hypertrophic lichen planus
  3. EA91.2 — Follicular lichen planus
  4. EA91.3 — Lichen planus of genital skin and mucous membranes
  5. EA91.4 — Lichen planus and lichenoid reactions of oral mucosa
    It contains 5 clarifying diagnoses.
  6. EA91.5 — Lichen planus of the nails
  7. EA91.6 — Subacute lichen planus
  8. EA91.Y — Other specified lichen planus
  9. EA91.Z — Lichen planus of unspecified type

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