ICD-11 classes
14 Diseases of the skin
Skin disorders involving specific cutaneous structures
Disorders of the dermis and subcutis
Disorders of cutaneous connective tissue
Fibromatoses and keloids
EE61 — Superficial fibromatoses
GB06.2 — Penile fibromatosis

ICD-11 GB06.2 — Penile fibromatosis

A condition characterised by induration of the corpora cavernosa of the penis producing a painful fibrous chordee within the soft tissue of the penis and inflammation of the tunica albuginea. This condition may be associated with trauma or injury to the penis. This condition may also present with pain during erection, erectile dysfunction, shortening, or abnormal curvature of the penis when erect. Confirmation is by ultrasonography.

It includes 3 items.

  • Peyronie disease
  • Plastic induration of penis
  • Induratio penis plastica

The diagnosis excludes nothing.

It has no clarifying diagnoses.

The diagnosis is coded elsewhere:

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