ICD-11 classes
14 Diseases of the skin
Skin disorders involving certain specific body regions
Skin disorders involving the genital and perianal regions
Dermatoses of male genitalia
GA80 — Ulcerative disorders of the penis or scrotum
GA80.0 — Aphthosis of penis or scrotum

ICD-11 GA80.0 — Aphthosis of penis or scrotum

Genital aphthosis in men is a non-infective but often painful ulceration of penile, scrotal or perigenital skin. It may be associated with oral ulceration (orogenital aphthosis) or with Behçet disease but may occur on its own. Both genital and orogenital aphthosis may represent formes frustes of Behçet disease.

It includes 2 items.

  • Penile or scrotal ulceration due to Behçet disease
  • Genital aphthosis in the male

The diagnosis excludes nothing.

It has no clarifying diagnoses.

The diagnosis is coded elsewhere:

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