ICD-11 classes
14 Diseases of the skin
Skin disorders associated with pregnancy, the neonatal...
EH40 — Dermatoses of infancy
EH40.0 — Infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis

ICD-11 EH40.0 — Infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis

An inflammatory but usually non-pruritic dermatitis of infants with a similar distribution to adult seborrhoeic dermatitis. Its principal manifestations are a confluent psoriasiform napkin eruption and greasy, adherent scaling over the scalp (“cradle cap”). In disseminated forms the face, retroauricular folds, neck and trunk may be involved. A small proportion of cases represent infantile onset of psoriasis (“napkin psoriasis”). Its onset is characteristically earlier than that of infantile atopic eczema, the subsequent development of which it does not preclude.

It includes 1 item.

  • Neonatal seborrhoeic dermatitis

It excludes 1 item.

  • Seborrhoea (ED91.2)

Diagnosis with code EH40.0 contains 3 clarifying diagnoses:

  1. EH40.00 — Cradle cap
  2. EH40.01 — Disseminated infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis
  3. EH40.02 — Psoriasiform napkin dermatitis

The diagnosis is coded elsewhere:

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