ICD-11 classes
19 Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period
Fetus or newborn affected by maternal factors or by...
KA01 — Fetus or newborn affected by maternal complications of...
KA01.7 — Fetus or newborn affected by malpresentation before labour

ICD-11 KA01.7 — Fetus or newborn affected by malpresentation before labour

Malpresentations are all presentations of the fetus other than the vertex, and includes breech, transverse, shoulder, compound, face, and brow presentations. They may pose risks to the fetus and mother and may necessitate operative vaginal or caesarean delivery, or other interventions to accomplish delivery. Breech presentation, the most common malpresentation, results when the fetal buttocks, legs, feet, or a combination of these presents first into the maternal pelvis.

The diagnosis includes nothing.

The diagnosis excludes nothing.

It has no clarifying diagnoses.

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