ICD-11 classes
20 Developmental anomalies
Structural developmental anomalies primarily affecting one...
Structural developmental anomalies of the nervous system
LA02 — Spina bifida
LA02.0 — Spina bifida cystica
LA02.02 — Myelocystocele

ICD-11 LA02.02 — Myelocystocele

A condition caused by failure of the neural tube to close completely during fetal development. The condition is characterised by skin covered lumbosacral masses, an arachnoid lined meningocele that is directly continuous with the spinal subarachnoid space, and a low lying hydromyelic spinal cord that traverses the meningocele and expands into a large terminal cyst. This condition can present with neural damage and consequent impairment of function below the site of the myelocystocele.

The diagnosis includes nothing.

The diagnosis excludes nothing.

It has no clarifying diagnoses.

The diagnosis is coded elsewhere:

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