ICD-11 classes
20 Developmental anomalies
Structural developmental anomalies primarily affecting one...
Structural developmental anomalies of the face, mouth or...

ICD-11 Structural developmental anomalies of the face, mouth or teeth

Any condition caused by failure of the face, mouth and teeth to correctly develop during the antenatal period.

The diagnosis includes nothing.

The diagnosis excludes nothing.

Diagnosis contains 13 clarifying diagnoses:

  1. LA30 — Structural developmental anomalies of teeth and periodontal tissues
    It contains 16 clarifying diagnoses.
  2. LA31 — Structural developmental anomalies of mouth or tongue
    It contains 6 clarifying diagnoses.
  3. Clefts of lip, alveolus or palate
    It contains 5 clarifying diagnoses.
  4. LA50 — Congenital velopharyngeal incompetence
  5. LA51 — Facial clefts
  6. LA52 — Facial asymmetry
  7. LA53 — Macrocheilia
  8. LA54 — Microcheilia
  9. LA55 — Compression facies
  10. LA56 — Pierre Robin syndrome
  11. LC40 — Dermoid cyst
  12. LA5Y — Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the face
  13. LA5Z — Structural developmental anomalies of the face, unspecified

The diagnosis is included in 2 other classes.

  • Dermoid cyst (LC40)
  • Congenital micrognathia (DA0E.00)

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