ICD-11 classes
20 Developmental anomalies
Multiple developmental anomalies or syndromes
LD2F — Syndromes with multiple structural anomalies, without...
LD2F.1 — Syndromes with multiple structural anomalies, not of...

ICD-11 LD2F.1 — Syndromes with multiple structural anomalies, not of environmental origin

The diagnosis has no description.

The diagnosis includes nothing.

The diagnosis excludes nothing.

Diagnosis with code LD2F.1 contains 12 clarifying diagnoses:

  1. LD2F.10 — Prune belly syndrome
  2. LD2F.11 — VATER association
  3. LD2F.12 — Sirenomelia
  4. LD2F.13 — Meckel-Gruber syndrome
  5. LD2F.14 — MURCS association
  6. LD2F.15 — Noonan syndrome
  7. LD2F.16 — Otomandibular dysplasia
  8. LD2H.0 — Fraser syndrome
  9. LD2H.3 — Waardenburg-Shah syndrome
  10. 5C60.0 — Oculocerebrorenal syndrome
  11. LD2F.1Y — Other specified syndromes with multiple structural anomalies, not of environmental origin
  12. LD2F.1Z — Syndromes with multiple structural anomalies, not of environmental origin, unspecified

The diagnosis is included in 38 other classes.

  • Fraser syndrome (LD2H.0)
  • Waardenburg-Shah syndrome (LD2H.3)
  • Oculocerebrorenal syndrome (5C60.0)
  • Albinism - black lock - cell migration disorder of the neurocytes of the gut - sensorineural deafness (LD2H.Y)
  • Bardet-Biedl syndrome (5A61.0)
  • Blepharocheilodontic syndrome (LD27.0Y)
  • Cat-eye syndrome (LD41.P)
  • Cataract - intellectual deficit - hypogonadism (5A61.0)
  • CHARGE syndrome (5A61.0)
  • Coffin-Siris syndrome (LD27.0Y)
  • Dubowitz syndrome (LD27.0Y)
  • Ectodermal dysplasia - ectrodactyly - macular dystrophy (LD27.0Y)
  • Ectrodactyly - ectodermal dysplasia - cleft lip or palate (LD27.0Y)
  • Ectrodactyly - ectodermal dysplasia without clefting (LD27.0Y)
  • Hirschsprung disease - deafness - polydactyly (LD2H.Y)
  • Limb-mammary syndrome (LD27.0Y)
  • Marshall syndrome (LD27.0Y)
  • MODY 5 syndrome (5A13.6)
  • Nijmegen breakage syndrome-like disorder (4A01.31)
  • Papillorenal syndrome (LA13.7Y)
  • Perrault syndrome (LD2H.Y)
  • Phocomelia - ectrodactyly - deafness - sinus arrhythmia (LD2H.Y)
  • Shwachman-Diamond syndrome (3A70.0)
  • Smith-Magenis syndrome (LD44.H1)
  • Split hand - split foot - deafness (LD2H.Y)
  • Triple A syndrome (5A74.Y)
  • Waardenburg syndrome (EC23.2Y)
  • WAGR syndrome (LD2A.Y)
  • Williams-Beuren syndrome (LD44.70)
  • Gorham-Stout disease (FB86.2)
  • Alagille syndrome (LB20.0Y)
  • Deafness – onychodystrophy (LD27.0Y)
  • Autosomal recessive cutis laxa, type 3 (LD28.2)
  • Macrocephaly – alopecia – cutis laxa – scoliosis syndrome (LD28.2)
  • SCARF syndrome (LD28.2)
  • Lethal restrictive dermopathy (EE6Y)
  • Encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis (EF02.1)
  • Dahlberg-Borer-Newcomer syndrome (LD27.0Y)

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