ICD-11 classes
21 Symptoms, signs or clinical findings, not elsewhere...
General symptoms, signs or clinical findings
General symptoms
MG30 — Chronic pain
MG30.0 — Chronic primary pain
MG30.00 — Chronic primary visceral pain
GA34.02 — Vulvodynia

ICD-11 GA34.02 — Vulvodynia

Vulvodynia describes a chronic sensation of pain, burning or rawness of vulval skin which cannot be ascribed to any specific cause and persists for at least three months. Symptoms may be diffuse and unprovoked (dysaesthetic vulvodynia) or localised, usually to the vulval vestibule, and provoked by touch (vestibulodynia). Dysaesthetic vulvodynia characteristically occurs in postmenopausal women who are often not sexually active: pain is spontaneous and often occurs independently of touch. Vestibulodynia occurs typically in younger women and is characterised by vestibular tenderness to touch, erythema of the vestibular epithelium and secondary dyspareunia.

The diagnosis includes nothing.

The diagnosis excludes nothing.

It has no clarifying diagnoses.

The diagnosis is coded elsewhere:

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