ICD-11 classes
V Supplementary section for functioning assessment
Generic functioning domains
Domestic life
VW30 — Preparing meals

ICD-11 VW30 — Preparing meals

Planning, organizing, cooking and serving simple and complex meals for oneself and others, such as by making a menu, selecting edible food and drink, getting together ingredients for preparing meals,cooking with heat and preparing cold foods and drinks, and serving the food.

The diagnosis includes nothing.

It excludes 6 items.

  • Acquisition of goods and services (VW30-VW3Z)
  • Caring for household objects (VW30-VW3Z)
  • caring for others (VW32)
  • Doing housework (VW31)
  • Drinking (VW20-VW2Z)
  • Eating (VW24)

It has no clarifying diagnoses.

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