ICD-11 classes
X Extension Codes
Anatomy and topography
Functional anatomy
Nervous system
XA1630 Peripheral nervous system
XA06U6 Peripheral nerve

ICD-11 XA06U6 Peripheral nerve

The diagnosis has no description.

The diagnosis includes nothing.

The diagnosis excludes nothing.

Diagnosis contains 111 clarifying diagnoses:

  1. XA20S2 Inferior cervical ganglion
  2. XA0Z50 Suboccipital nerve
  3. XA4WK4 Greater auricular nerve
  4. XA6BB0 Greater occipital nerve
  5. XA3ND8 Lesser occipital nerve
  6. XA18D0 Third occipital nerve
  7. XA8T30 Iliohypogastric nerve
  8. XA5Q50 Ilioinguinal nerve
  9. XA8CZ0 Inferior anal nerves
  10. XA8U35 Lumbar splanchnic nerve
  11. XA8ML2 Middle cardiac nerve
  12. XA4A74 Perineal branches of posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
  13. XA11K1 Posterior branch of spinal nerve
  14. XA9AN9 Posterior superior alveolar nerve
  15. XA7ZD7 Proper palmar digital nerves of median nerve
  16. XA0SA1 Sacral splanchnic nerves
  17. XA1SM8 Semilunar ganglion
  18. XA07F8 Short ciliary nerves
  19. XA1AC5 Superior cardiac nerve
  20. XA6BG1 Superior cervical ganglion
  21. XA6YL5 Superior ganglion
  22. XA9ZM0 Phrenic nerve
  23. XA25F4 Transverse cervical nerve
  24. XA6W14 Sympathetic trunk
  25. XA7HH4 Common fibular nerve
  26. XA3QB5 Deep fibular nerve
  27. XA11D4 Femoral nerve
  28. XA9JZ4 Genitofemoral nerve
  29. XA60R4 Gluteal nerve
  30. XA1GU3 Inferior gluteal nerve
  31. XA1XQ2 Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh
  32. XA4834 Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
  33. XA9958 Lateral plantar nerve
  34. XA5UE9 Lumbar nerve
  35. XA8307 Lumboinguinal nerve
  36. XA76D3 Lumbosacral trunk
  37. XA9AF5 Medial plantar nerve
  38. XA7S27 Nerve to quadratus femoris
  39. XA3906 Plantar nerve
  40. XA83P9 Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh
  41. XA9EW1 Saphenous nerve
  42. XA9KK8 Sciatic nerve
  43. XA2125 Superficial fibular nerve
  44. XA9AC5 Superior gluteal nerve
  45. XA4HR8 Sural nerve
  46. XA7534 Tibial nerve
  47. XA9JU0 Anococcygeal nerve
  48. XA84W1 Cauda equina
  49. XA5C62 Coccygeal nerve
  50. XA76C3 Dorsal nerve of clitoris
  51. XA8CC3 Dorsal nerve of the penis
  52. XA99Q6 Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve
  53. XA0W10 Perineal nerve
  54. XA7NU3 Posterior scrotal nerve
  55. XA6WU3 Pudendal nerve
  56. XA55J8 Accessory obturator nerve
  57. XA9RP3 Dorsal scapular nerve
  58. XA9TB4 Inferior cardiac nerve
  59. XA5HJ3 Intercostal nerve
  60. XA2F71 Intercostobrachial nerve
  61. XA5A06 Lateral pectoral nerve
  62. XA0A05 Long thoracic nerve
  63. XA9XA5 Lower subscapular nerve
  64. XA49V5 Medial pectoral nerve
  65. XA1BR5 Right recurrent laryngeal nerve
  66. XA3RU6 Subcostal nerve
  67. XA5318 Supraclavicular nerves
  68. XA8QY6 Suprascapular nerve
  69. XA2R06 Thoracic splanchnic nerve
  70. XA0462 Thoraco-abdominal nerve
  71. XA2542 Thoracodorsal nerve
  72. XA5KR0 Upper subscapular nerve
  73. XA1ZC4 Axillary nerve
  74. XA1LW6 Common palmar digital nerves of median nerve
  75. XA5179 Deep branch of the radial nerve
  76. XA37M8 Digital nerve
  77. XA1TY7 Dorsal branch of ulnar nerve
  78. XA6166 Lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm
  79. XA9HJ5 Medial cutaneous nerve
  80. XA7K97 Medial cutaneous nerve of arm
  81. XA26F7 Medial cutaneous nerve of forearm
  82. XA3P46 Muscular branches of the radial nerve
  83. XA89K2 Palmar branch of the median nerve
  84. XA7FU0 Palmar branch of ulnar nerve
  85. XA0KL7 Posterior cutaneous nerve of forearm
  86. XA2XU7 Posterior cutaneous nerve of arm
  87. XA2E94 Superficial branch of the radial nerve
  88. XA6B07 Superior lateral cutaneous nerve of arm
  89. XA2M04 Ansa cervicalis
  90. XA6RQ4 Anterior interosseous nerve
  91. XA6PJ8 Anterior superior alveolar nerve
  92. XA54B9 Bulbar nuclei
  93. XA89R1 Celiac ganglion
  94. XA8QL3 Diagonal band of Broca
  95. XA66H0 Geniculate ganglion
  96. XA6B81 Intermediate cutaneous nerve
  97. XA8AU6 Jugular ganglion
  98. XA1Z01 Long root of the ciliary ganglion
  99. XA9RD0 Middle cervical ganglion
  100. XA5QF4 Musculocutaneous nerve
  101. XA96Q6 Nerve of the cervical region
  102. XA1HC7 Nerve to obturator internus
  103. XA8PE3 Nerve to the piriformis
  104. XA4XD7 Nerve to the subclavius
  105. XA0869 Nervus intermedius
  106. XA2KG8 Nervus spinosus
  107. XA5NY4 Nodose ganglion
  108. XA4548 Obturator nerve
  109. XA9519 Paraganglion
    It contains 5 clarifying diagnoses.
  110. XA1GM8 Pelvic splanchnic nerve
  111. XA6GZ8 Perforating cutaneous nerve

The diagnosis is coded elsewhere:

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