ICD-11 classes
X Extension Codes
Anatomy and topography
Functional anatomy
Circulatory system
XA4PM9 Cardiovascular system
XA5999 Arteries
XA4TS7 Artery of head, face, and neck

ICD-11 XA4TS7 Artery of head, face, and neck

The diagnosis has no description.

The diagnosis includes nothing.

The diagnosis excludes nothing.

Diagnosis contains 71 clarifying diagnosis:

  1. XA2B10 Anterior communicating artery
  2. XA2QF4 Anterior ethmoidal artery
    It contains 1 clarifying diagnosis.
  3. XA00K1 Anterior meningeal artery
  4. XA1GU9 Anterior superior alveolar artery
  5. XA2505 Artery of pterygoid canal
  6. XA9AD7 Carotid artery
    It contains 4 clarifying diagnoses.
  7. XA5SN3 Cerebellar artery
  8. XA13S2 Cerebral artery
    It contains 5 clarifying diagnoses.
  9. XA2UK9 Costocervical trunk
  10. XA7SK1 Deep auricular artery
  11. XA1NY7 Deep cervical artery
  12. XA18D8 Dorsal nasal artery
    It contains 2 clarifying diagnoses.
  13. XA4QF0 External striate of the anterolateral central artery
  14. XA3FL3 Facial artery
    It contains 5 clarifying diagnoses.
  15. XA83M8 Glandular branches of the cervical artery
  16. XA2626 Greater palatine artery
  17. XA4H29 Hyoid artery
  18. XA4VH9 Inferior palpebral arch artery
  19. XA5VX8 Internal striate of the anterolateral central artery
  20. XA85W7 Intracranial artery
  21. XA16L7 Lateral branch of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery
  22. XA3N26 Lateral nasal branch of the facial artery
  23. XA5Z38 Lesser palatine artery
  24. XA5TR9 Lingual branch of the inferior alveolar artery
  25. XA18M5 Maxillary artery
    It contains 10 clarifying diagnoses.
  26. XA2WS5 Lingual artery
  27. XA9EU7 Occipital artery
  28. XA13U3 Posterior auricular artery
  29. XA0SB1 Superficial temporal artery
    It contains 1 clarifying diagnosis.
  30. XA7K29 Superior thyroid artery
    It contains 3 clarifying diagnoses.
  31. XA00E5 Ascending pharyngeal artery
  32. XA53A8 Right common carotid artery
  33. XA6X36 Middle temporal artery
  34. XA3TE9 Mylohyoid branch of the inferior alveolar artery
  35. XA6XV2 Parietal branch of the superficial temporal artery
  36. XA7U73 Posterior communicating artery
  37. XA5881 Posterior ethmoidal artery
    It contains 2 clarifying diagnoses.
  38. XA8RM9 Posterior inferior cerebellar artery
  39. XA9VV0 Posterior lateral nasal branches of the sphenopalatine artery
  40. XA8FA1 Posterior meningeal artery
  41. XA4Q78 Posterior septal branches of the sphenopalatine artery
  42. XA1K74 Pterygoid branches
  43. XA1BZ0 Sphenopalatine artery, terminal branch
  44. XA90T0 Submental artery of the cervical artery
    It contains 1 clarifying diagnosis.
  45. XA0898 Superficial branch of the transverse cervical artery
  46. XA82P9 Superficial petrosal branch of the anterior and posterior meningeal artery
  47. XA7423 Superior cerebellar artery
  48. XA9GU1 Superior laryngeal artery
  49. XA50Q9 Superior tympanic artery
  50. XA6W31 Supratrochlear artery
  51. XA65G3 Temporal branches of the anterior and posterior meningeal artery
  52. XA9XH0 Thyrocervical trunk
    It contains 1 clarifying diagnosis.
  53. XA6142 Transverse cervical artery
  54. XA9M59 Transverse facial artery
  55. XA5D86 Twig to the upper part of lacrimal sac of the dorsal nasal artery
  56. XA1XP6 Vertebral artery
    It contains 3 clarifying diagnoses.
  57. XA1C15 Supraorbital artery
    It contains 2 clarifying diagnoses.
  58. XA34H5 Orbital branches of the anterior and posterior meningeal artery
  59. XA5C33 Infraorbital artery
    It contains 1 clarifying diagnosis.
  60. XA9RA2 Long posterior ciliary artery
  61. XA04E2 Short posterior ciliary artery
  62. XA94Y6 Anterior ciliary artery
  63. XA5RB0 Central retinal artery
  64. XA22D8 Circulus arteriosus major artery
  65. XA8T70 Circulus arteriosus minor artery
  66. XA5P69 Lacrimal artery
  67. XA00Q9 Lateral palpebral artery
  68. XA8VA1 Medial palpebral artery
  69. XA35L5 Superior palpebral arch artery
  70. XA1Q49 Zygomatic branches of the lacrimal artery
  71. XA4KE1 Branches to gingiva

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