ICD-11 classes
X Extension Codes
Anatomy and topography
Functional anatomy
Musculoskeletal system
XA3PP9 Tendons of the head and neck
ICD-11 XA3PP9 Tendons of the head and neck
The diagnosis has no description.
The diagnosis includes nothing.
The diagnosis excludes nothing.
Diagnosis contains 70 clarifying diagnoses:
- XA46A9 Alaeque nasi tendon
- XA6J99 Aryepiglotticus tendon
- XA8XC7 Auricularis tendon
- XA3163 Buccinator tendon
- XA6L11 Corrugator supercilii tendon
- XA01X1 Cricothyroid tendon
- XA28X5 Depressor anguli oris tendon
- XA6WZ3 Depressor labii inferioris tendon
- XA5S69 Digastric tendon
- XA5CP4 Frontalis tendon
- XA6BT8 Genioglossus tendon
- XA9L90 Geniohyoid tendon
- XA8N10 Hyoglossus tendon
- XA7EE6 Hyoid tendon
- XA3ZA2 Inferior oblique tendon
- XA7HT8 Inferior rectus tendon
- XA1394 Lateral cricoarytenoid tendon
- XA6PK4 Lateral pterygoid tendon
- XA3LT8 Lateral rectus tendon
- XA7653 Levator anguli oris tendon
- XA0YK7 Levator labii superioris tendon
- XA61C9 Levator palpebrae superioris tendon
- XA7VD7 Levator veli palatini tendon
- XA1FR7 Longus capitis tendon
- XA0UD3 Longus colli tendon
- XA1FB3 Masseter tendon
- XA8F95 Medial pterygoid tendon
- XA6SG3 Medial rectus tendon
- XA7JW2 Mentalis tendon
- XA7ZZ8 Mylohyoid tendon
- XA7NU6 Nasalis tendon
- XA5Q22 Oblique arytenoid tendon
- XA8AT8 Obliquus capitis inferior tendon
- XA39M0 Obliquus capitis superior tendon
- XA2JY6 Omohyoid tendon
- XA65X4 Orbicularis oculi tendon
- XA0W74 Orbicularis oris tendon
- XA6SX4 Palatoglossus tendon
- XA6LA2 Palatopharyngeus tendon
- XA4758 Platysma tendon
- XA0AE2 Posterior cricoarytenoid ligament
- XA5HD8 Procerus tendon
- XA8CQ6 Rectus capitis anterior tendon
- XA4RG2 Rectus capitis lateralis tendon
- XA6WL6 Rectus capitis posterior major tendon
- XA1XH8 Rectus capitis posterior minor tendon
- XA9450 Risorius tendon
- XA0SH8 Salpingopharyngeus tendon
- XA3XC1 Scalene tendon
It contains 4 clarifying diagnoses. - XA39C9 Splenius capitis tendon
- XA2HL1 Splenius cervicis tendon
- XA8W69 Stapedius tendon
- XA70V9 Sternocleidomastoid tendon
- XA6S11 Sternohyoid tendon
- XA4VX2 Sternothyroid tendon
- XA90J0 Styloglossus tendon
- XA20E0 Stylohyoid tendon
- XA7GV2 Stylopharyngeus tendon
- XA5ES8 Superior oblique tendon
- XA3ZN4 Superior rectus tendon
- XA7D16 Temporalis tendon
- XA8BT2 Temporoparietalis tendon
- XA5956 Tensor tympani tendon
- XA2W44 Tensor veli palatini tendon
- XA4ME3 Thyroarytenoid tendon
- XA0CT5 Thyroepiglotticus tendon
- XA9YC3 Transverse arytenoid tendon
- XA4CN7 Vocalis tendon
- XA0XQ7 Zygomaticus major tendon
- XA0SZ1 Zygomaticus minor tendon