ICD-11 classes
X Extension Codes
Anatomy and topography
Functional anatomy
Musculoskeletal system
XA5L93 Tendons of the lower extremity

ICD-11 XA5L93 Tendons of the lower extremity

The diagnosis has no description.

The diagnosis includes nothing.

The diagnosis excludes nothing.

Diagnosis contains 52 clarifying diagnoses:

  1. XA5ZK0 Abductor digiti minimi (foot) tendon
  2. XA14Z8 Abductor hallucis tendon
  3. XA8BK1 Achilles tendon
  4. XA4HF0 Adductor brevis tendon
  5. XA8B14 Adductor hallucis tendon
  6. XA1TK8 Adductor longus tendon
  7. XA8746 Adductor magnus tendon
  8. XA9381 Anterior ligament of the lower extremity
  9. XA7MT0 Articularis genu tendon
  10. XA1MF8 Biceps femoris tendon
  11. XA86H9 Dorsal interossei of foot tendon
  12. XA6230 Extensor digitorum brevis (foot) tendon
  13. XA1ZF4 Extensor digitorum longus (foot) tendon
  14. XA4NZ0 Extensor hallucis brevis tendon
  15. XA5L26 Extensor hallucis longus tendon
  16. XA8X38 Flexor digiti minimi brevis (foot) tendon
  17. XA8GD0 Flexor digitorum brevis tendon
  18. XA3MK8 Flexor digitorum longus (foot) tendon
  19. XA00Z8 Flexor hallucis brevis tendon
  20. XA1MF0 Flexor hallucis longus tendon
  21. XA5LZ0 Gastrocnemius tendon
  22. XA2HX4 Gemellus inferior tendon
  23. XA5M18 Gemellus superior tendon
  24. XA1JL3 Gluteus maximus tendon
  25. XA1387 Gluteus medius tendon
  26. XA4HK9 Gluteus minimus tendon
  27. XA12U3 Gracilis tendon
  28. XA8FT1 Iliacus tendon
  29. XA5DE3 Lumbrical of foot tendon
  30. XA3EE9 Obturator externus tendon
  31. XA2469 Obturator internus tendon
  32. XA07E4 Pectineus tendon
  33. XA3AN0 Peroneus brevis tendon
  34. XA7VY0 Peroneus longus tendon
  35. XA3D16 Peroneus tertius tendon
  36. XA3EU4 Piriformis tendon
  37. XA7L19 Plantar interossei of foot tendon
  38. XA6BZ6 Plantaris tendon
  39. XA4V24 Popliteus tendon
  40. XA1L44 Quadratus plantae tendon
  41. XA9420 Quadriceps femoris tendon
  42. XA4ZG0 Rectus femoris tendon
  43. XA0981 Sartorius tendon
  44. XA4AL5 Semimembranosus tendon
  45. XA7DY9 Semitendinosus tendon
  46. XA7E05 Soleus tendon
  47. XA33Q1 Tensor fasciae lata tendon
  48. XA8SN1 Tibialis anterior tendon
  49. XA7FR7 Tibialis posterior tendon
  50. XA8ST5 Vastus intermedius tendon
  51. XA8CQ5 Vastus lateralis tendon
  52. XA6RK3 Vastus medialis tendon

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