ICD-11 classes
X Extension Codes
Fibroepithelial neoplasms
Fibroepithelial neoplasms, benign

ICD-11 Fibroepithelial neoplasms, benign

The diagnosis has no description.

The diagnosis includes nothing.

The diagnosis excludes nothing.

Diagnosis contains 17 clarifying diagnoses:

  1. XH5DX3 Brenner tumour, NOS
  2. XH4MA6 Intracanalicular fibroadenoma
  3. XH7JU0 Papillary adenofibroma
  4. XH0N11 Pericanalicular fibroadenoma
  5. XH9HE2 Fibroadenoma, NOS
  6. XH91Y8 Adenofibroma, NOS
  7. XH5S99 Cystadenofibroma, NOS
  8. XH5ZB5 Serous adenofibroma, NOS
  9. XH6RL8 Serous cystadenofibroma, NOS
  10. XH1VJ0 Seromucinous adenofibroma
  11. XH59X8 Mucinous adenofibroma, NOS
  12. XH9SM7 Mucinous cystadenofibroma, NOS
  13. XH50P7 Phyllodes tumour, benign
  14. XH4RU1 Giant fibroadenoma
  15. XH70H4 Juvenile fibroadenoma
  16. XH5853 Lipofibroadenoma
  17. XH7ZU2 Metanephric adenofibroma

The diagnosis is coded elsewhere:

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