ICD-11 classes
X Extension Codes
Dimensions of external causes
Objects, living things or substances involved in causing...
Substances, chiefly nonmedicinal
XM1SE1 Agrochemical
XM7D46 Pesticide
XM3K66 Insecticide
XM7154 Organophosphate insecticide

ICD-11 XM7154 Organophosphate insecticide

The diagnosis has no description.

The diagnosis includes nothing.

The diagnosis excludes nothing.

Diagnosis contains 62 clarifying diagnoses:

  1. XM7RX0 Azinphos-ethyl
  2. XM7H46 Azinphos-methyl
  3. XM2JZ1 Cadusafos
  4. XM8AZ4 Carbophenothion
  5. XM3DK0 Chlorethoxyfos
  6. XM20D7 Chlorfenvinphos
  7. XM4RG9 Chlormephos
  8. XM3QX6 Chlorpyrifos
  9. XM5566 Chlorthion
  10. XM2MP2 Chlorthiophos
  11. XM8WL8 Coumaphos
  12. XM6L87 Demephion
    It contains 2 clarifying diagnoses.
  13. XM5F29 Demeton
    It contains 2 clarifying diagnoses.
  14. XM6AY4 Diazinon
  15. XM26D3 Dicapthon
  16. XM03V8 Dichlorvos
  17. XM5UL4 Dicrotophos
  18. XM5Q52 Dimefox
  19. XM58G9 Dimethoate
  20. XM56E1 Dimetilan
  21. XM3494 Dioxathion
  22. XM9SP5 Disulfoton
  23. XM5BC5 EPN
  24. XM7X81 Ethion
  25. XM9F71 Ethoprophos
  26. XM7818 Famphur
  27. XM7SU5 Fenthion
  28. XM5KA2 Fluorophosphate insecticide
  29. XM7TZ6 Heptenophos
  30. XM5G36 Hexaethyl tetraphosphate
  31. XM5JS5 Isoxathion
  32. XM6A89 Leptophos
  33. XM0G23 Malathion insecticide
  34. XM5406 Mecarbam
  35. XM9R34 Mephosfolan
  36. XM56W1 Methamidophos
  37. XM83J2 Methidathion
  38. XM8ZT2 Mevinphos
  39. XM4197 Mipafox
  40. XM27J3 Monocrotophos
  41. XM0US9 Naled
  42. XM2D86 Omethoate
  43. XM48D2 Oxydemeton-methyl
  44. XM7LW0 Paraoxon
  45. XM14N6 Parathion
  46. XM1YY0 Parathion-methyl
  47. XM20V2 Phorate
  48. XM2324 Phosfolan
  49. XM3QY4 Phosphamidon
  50. XM6YG2 Propetamphos
  51. XM7GK7 Prothoate
  52. XM7UW2 Quinalphos
  53. XM0TB4 Schradan
  54. XM1E56 Sulfotep
  55. XM7LH6 Tebupirimfos
  56. XM6P90 TEPP
  57. XM2QB5 Terbufos
  58. XM72Q5 Thiometon
  59. XM4T49 Thionazin
  60. XM2AH6 Triazophos
  61. XM13H5 Trichloronate
  62. XM9FN4 Vamidothion

The diagnosis is coded elsewhere:

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