ICD-11 classes
X Extension Codes
Dimensions of external causes
Aspects of incidents related to devices
XE7Q8 Manufacturing, packaging or shipping problem

ICD-11 XE7Q8 Manufacturing, packaging or shipping problem

Problem associated with any deviations from the documented specifications of the device that relate to nonconformity during manufacture to the design of an item or to specified manufacturing, packaging or shipping processes (out of box problem).

The diagnosis includes nothing.

The diagnosis excludes nothing.

Diagnosis contains 7 clarifying diagnoses:

  1. XE5Y1 Product quality problem
    It contains 2 clarifying diagnoses.
  2. XE1K1 Defective component
  3. XE9CD Defective device
  4. XE12L Device damaged prior to use
  5. XE8RY Packaging problem
    It contains 4 clarifying diagnoses.
  6. XE151 Device misassembled during manufacturng or shipping
    It contains 2 clarifying diagnoses.
  7. XE8ZA Shipping damage or problem
    It contains 1 clarifying diagnosis.

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