ICD-11 classes
X Extension Codes
Dimensions of external causes
Aspects of incidents related to devices
XE7NV Infusion or flow problem
XE1H4 Improper flow or infusion

ICD-11 XE1H4 Improper flow or infusion

Problem associated with the regulation and delivery of therapeutic agents (e.g. air, gas, drugs or fluids into a device or a patient under positive pressure).

The diagnosis includes nothing.

The diagnosis excludes nothing.

Diagnosis contains 9 clarifying diagnoses:

  1. XE9RA Backflow
  2. XE447 Free or unrestricted flow
  3. XE628 Gradient increase
  4. XE667 Inaccurate delivery
  5. XE44F Inaccurate flow rate
  6. XE2DM Intermittent infusion
  7. XE09Q Reflux with device
  8. XE8AY Restricted flow rate
  9. XE1V7 Tidal volume fluctuations

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