ICD-11 classes
X Extension Codes
Dimensions of external causes
Medical device component
Electrical and magnetic medical device component

ICD-11 Electrical and magnetic medical device component

Components which relates to the force of magnetism or such as microchips and transistors which control and direct electric currents. Also includes components involved in the representation, storage, or transmission of information by electronic systems.

The diagnosis includes nothing.

The diagnosis excludes nothing.

Diagnosis contains 40 clarifying diagnoses:

  1. XE321 Antenna component of medical device
  2. XE3WM Battery component of medical device
  3. XE80Z Battery charger component of medical device
  4. XE7JQ Cable, electrical component of medical device
    It contains 2 clarifying diagnoses.
  5. XE2WY Circuit board component of medical device
  6. XE5BT Circuit breaker component of medical device
  7. XE2ZE Computer hardware component of medical device
    It contains 3 clarifying diagnoses.
  8. XE8UU Computer software component of medical device
    It contains 3 clarifying diagnoses.
  9. XE7P0 Cooling module component of medical device
  10. XE8UV Device programmer component of medical device
  11. XE033 Device reader component of medical device
  12. XE6UE Discrete electrical component of medical device
    It contains 7 clarifying diagnoses.
  13. XE9ZW Integrated circuit chip component of medical device
  14. XE8GY Display component of medical device
    It contains 2 clarifying diagnoses.
  15. XE59E Electrical lead or wire component of medical device
    It contains 3 clarifying diagnoses.
  16. XE6S4 Electrical mixer component of medical device
  17. XE0Y5 Electrical port component of medical device
  18. XE2PX Emitter component of medical device
  19. XE5GC Headphone or headset component of medical device
  20. XE9TB Heater component of medical device
  21. XE713 Hub component of medical device
  22. XE8JV Inverter component of medical device
  23. XE4BN Magnet component of medical device
  24. XE7YS Oscillator component of medical device
  25. XE525 Patient lead component of medical device
    It contains 2 clarifying diagnoses.
  26. XE4XJ Power cord component of medical device
  27. XE4Q4 Power supply component of medical device
  28. XE7EJ Pressure transducer probe component of medical device
  29. XE062 Printer component of medical device
  30. XE2KA Receiver component of medical device
  31. XE6SG Receiver stimulator unit component of medical device
  32. XE4TH Scanner component of medical device
  33. XE0ST Speaker or sounder component of medical device
  34. XE5R5 Switch or relay component of medical device
    It contains 2 clarifying diagnoses.
  35. XE884 Telemetry component of medical device
  36. XE30P Temperature compensator component of medical device
  37. XE56F Thermostat component of medical device
  38. XE256 Transformer component of medical device
  39. XE579 Transmitter component of medical device
  40. XE5A0 User input device component of medical device
    It contains 4 clarifying diagnoses.

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