ICD-11 classes
X Extension Codes
Dimensions of external causes
Medical device component
Mechanical medical device component

ICD-11 Mechanical medical device component

Component of a device when it is working, often using power from an engine or from electricity.

The diagnosis includes nothing.

The diagnosis excludes nothing.

Diagnosis contains 142 clarifying diagnoses:

  1. XE3UX Access port component of medical device
  2. XE0WZ Actuator component of medical device
  3. XE0SV Adaptor component of medical device
  4. XE6D6 Air eliminator component of medical device
  5. XE4F2 Anchor component of medical device
  6. XE94Y Applicator component of medical device
  7. XE968 Automatic injection system component of medical device
  8. XE7E4 Bag component of medical device
  9. XE0HN Ball component of medical device
  10. XE5AV Balloon component of medical device
  11. XE1G8 Bearings component of medical device
  12. XE0Y2 Potting component of medical device
  13. XE46S Probe component of medical device
  14. XE23M Processor component of medical device
  15. XE9DJ Pulley component of medical device
  16. XE0K1 Pump component of medical device
  17. XE8RF Pusher component of medical device
  18. XE76K Rachet component of medical device
  19. XE4JZ Rail component of medical device
    It contains 1 clarifying diagnosis.
  20. XE6YN Regulator component of medical device
  21. XE65T Reservoir component of medical device
  22. XE1XK Bellows component of medical device
  23. XE7DG Ring component of medical device
  24. XE017 Rod or shaft component of medical device
  25. XE4BJ Seal component of medical device
  26. XE7N2 Shock absorber component of medical device
  27. XE7ZG Sleeve component of medical device
  28. XE6VJ Slide component of medical device
  29. XE740 Socket component of medical device
  30. XE4DU Spacer component of medical device
  31. XE7QZ Spring component of medical device
  32. XE4K0 Stand component of medical device
  33. XE9CF Belt component of medical device
  34. XE82E Steering wire component of medical device
  35. XE7UE Stent component of medical device
  36. XE8M4 Stopcock component of medical device
  37. XE00C Stopper component of medical device
  38. XE4E4 Strain relief component of medical device
  39. XE3GN Stylet component of medical device
  40. XE05P Syringe component of medical device
  41. XE3ED Table component of medical device
  42. XE06W Tip component of medical device
  43. XE6GE Tool component of medical device
  44. XE7G4 Bottle component of medical device
  45. XE0UG Translational motion component of medical device
  46. XE2FM Trap component of medical device
  47. XE4M3 Trocar component of medical device
  48. XE8TY Tube component of medical device
    It contains 1 clarifying diagnosis.
  49. XE01P Valve component of medical device
    It contains 3 clarifying diagnoses.
  50. XE6MT Vaporiser component of medical device
  51. XE0FP Vibrator component of medical device
  52. XE83A Washer component of medical device
  53. XE1PW Weld component of medical device
  54. XE6HA Wheel component of medical device
  55. XE0C3 Breathing circuit component of medical device
  56. XE99Z Window component of medical device
  57. XE2Q3 Shutter component of medical device
  58. XE5YT Brush component of medical device
  59. XE0AX Brushing component of medical device
  60. XE4NU Cable, mechanical structural component of medical device
  61. XE2UB Cannula component of medical device
    It contains 1 clarifying diagnosis.
  62. XE44H Cap component of medical device
  63. XE00E Carrier component of medical device
  64. XE3K0 Caster component of medical device
  65. XE088 Catheter component of medical device
    It contains 1 clarifying diagnosis.
  66. XE1TF Cell component of medical device
  67. XE65A Chain component of medical device
  68. XE6N0 Chamber component of medical device
  69. XE4BK Chassis or frame component of medical device
  70. XE5CL Clutch component of medical device
  71. XE3C8 Coating material component of medical device
  72. XE1S0 Coil component of medical device
    It contains 1 clarifying diagnosis.
  73. XE0YX Collimator component of medical device
  74. XE7YF Concentrator component of medical device
  75. XE5TK Cone component of medical device
  76. XE7EE Connector or coupler component of medical device
    It contains 1 clarifying diagnosis.
  77. XE83L Controller component of medical device
  78. XE46J Compressor component of medical device
  79. XE1S2 Cover component of medical device
  80. XE8LZ Cuff component of medical device
  81. XE8YR Cup component of medical device
  82. XE8T8 Cusp and leaflet component of medical device
  83. XE3LB Cutter or blade component of medical device
  84. XE9WL Cylinder component of medical device
  85. XE3CX Device collapser component of medical device
  86. XE8J5 Device deployer component of medical device
  87. XE1KD Diaphragm component of medical device
  88. XE85G Dome component of medical device
  89. XE5K4 Ejector component of medical device
  90. XE1VC Equipment pole component of medical device
  91. XE8ZU Extender component of medical device
  92. XE026 Fabric component of medical device
  93. XE8VD Fan or blower component of medical device
  94. XE5DL Fastner component of medical device
    It contains 16 clarifying diagnoses.
  95. XE15J Fiber component of medical device
  96. XE65M Filter component of medical device
  97. XE10F Flange component of medical device
  98. XE4PC Foil component of medical device
  99. XE3HQ Gas exchanger component of medical device
  100. XE3QZ Gasket component of medical device
  101. XE5M6 Gears component of medical device
  102. XE0RK Generator component of medical device
  103. XE1ND Guide component of medical device
  104. XE64H Guidewire component of medical device
  105. XE11W Handpiece component of medical device
  106. XE37B Header component of medical device
  107. XE2AL Sewing ring component of medical device
  108. XE12Q Heat exchanger component of medical device
  109. XE5ZS Hinge component of medical device
  110. XE4FZ Holder component of medical device
  111. XE3A4 Hose component of medical device
  112. XE5S9 Housing component of medical device
  113. XE0YE Humidifier component of medical device
  114. XE1TK Hydraulic system component of medical device
  115. XE4NN Impeller component of medical device
  116. XE3WA Inserter component of medical device
  117. XE1Y2 Insulation component of medical device
  118. XE7JF Isolator component of medical device
  119. XE7N3 Jaw component of medical device
  120. XE7GQ Joint component of medical device
  121. XE3AW Knob component of medical device
  122. XE6R7 Label component of medical device
  123. XE1VQ Leaflet component of medical device
  124. XE5XR Lever component of medical device
    It contains 1 clarifying diagnosis.
  125. XE80W Liner component of medical device
  126. XE17E Magazine or cassette component of medical device
  127. XE87E Manifold component of medical device
  128. XE26U Mask component of medical device
  129. XE74K Mechanical mixer component of medical device
  130. XE9VQ Membrane component of medical device
  131. XE8R6 Mesh component of medical device
  132. XE0R5 Motor component of medical device
  133. XE8X1 Mount component of medical device
  134. XE4BH Needle component of medical device
  135. XE78G Nozzle component of medical device
  136. XE7C4 Packaging component of medical device
  137. XE5AR Pad component of medical device
  138. XE080 Panel component of medical device
  139. XE965 Plate component of medical device
  140. XE09R Plug component of medical device
  141. XE9R2 Plunger component of medical device
  142. XE25A Post component of medical device

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