ICD-11 classes
X Extension Codes
Topical agents primarily affecting skin and mucous membrane...
Keratolytics, keratoplastics, and other hair treatment...

ICD-11 Keratolytics, keratoplastics, and other hair treatment drugs and preparations

The diagnosis has no description.

The diagnosis includes nothing.

The diagnosis excludes nothing.

Diagnosis contains 56 clarifying diagnoses:

  1. XM9ZS1 Allantoin
  2. XM7H25 Alum (medicinal)
  3. XM2GV6 Ammonium ichthyosulronate
  4. XM8RR9 Ammonium persulfate
  5. XM8HL4 Anthralin
  6. XM8SX1 Antiseborrheics
  7. XM8GU1 Butantrone
  8. XM4FV2 Cade oil
  9. XM2ST0 Cadmium sulfide (medicinal)
  10. XM9TT3 Capsicum
  11. XM4AW0 Carbon dioxide snow
  12. XM01Q7 Chlorothymol
  13. XM92H5 Chloroxine
  14. XM7HY4 Chrysarobin
  15. XM3P37 Coal tar medicinal (ointment)
  16. XM3LD7 Collagenase topical
  17. XM7PM1 Corn cures
  18. XM5W78 Depilatory
  19. XM95C8 Diachylon plaster
  20. XM64V2 Dimethyl sulfoxide medicinal
  21. XM26P0 Dimethylamine sulfate
  22. XM8RS8 Dithranol
  23. XM17Y7 Enzyme proteolytic
  24. XM3JC8 Ethyl chloride local
  25. XM4P92 Ethyl fumarate
  26. XM7WC9 Euresol
  27. XM7VL9 Hair dye
  28. XM8GV4 Hemostyptic
  29. XM7KM8 Isopropyl alcohol medicinal
  30. XM6ES1 Keratolytic drug anthracene
  31. XM23V5 Keratolytic drug
  32. XM4KL1 Keratoplastic
  33. XM76E0 Lassar's paste
  34. XM1VX5 Methyl nicotinate
  35. XM8N27 Monobenzone
  36. XM6YQ8 Pyrithione zinc
  37. XM4549 Resorcin, resorcinol medicinal
  38. XM5DQ2 Rubefacient
  39. XM68B5 Salicylic acid
  40. XM02N6 Savin (oil)
  41. XM4CB3 Selenium disulfide
  42. XM43T8 Selenium sulfide
  43. XM1UK4 Selsun
  44. XM3E07 Silver nitrate toughened (keratolytic)
  45. XM1FW6 Sulfur compounds not elsewhere classified (medicinal)
  46. XM6ZA6 Sulfur keratolytic ointment
  47. XM1W96 Thioglycolate
  48. XM7GY2 Tioxolone
  49. XM4ZP4 Triacetoxyanthracene
  50. XM6U21 Trichloroacetic acid medicinal
  51. XM2V83 Vleminckx's solution
  52. XM6T99 White lotion (keratolytic)
  53. XM25J6 Xenysalate
  54. XM7AM5 Glyceryl monothioglycolate
  55. XM5L79 p-Toluenediamine
  56. XM0AK0 p-Phenylenediamine

The diagnosis is coded elsewhere:

The diagnosis is included in 1 another class.

  • p-Phenylenediamine (XM0AK0)

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