ICD-11 classes
X Extension Codes
Substances, chiefly nonmedicinal
XM1SE1 Agrochemical
XM7D46 Pesticide

ICD-11 XM7D46 Pesticide

The diagnosis has no description.

The diagnosis includes nothing.

The diagnosis excludes nothing.

Diagnosis contains 41 clarifying diagnosis:

  1. XM6PM8 Dibromochloropropane
  2. XM61U9 Dichloropropene
  3. XM4G15 Ethylene oxide
  4. XM83G4 Fungicide
    It contains 32 clarifying diagnoses.
  5. XM6J29 Herbicide
    It contains 28 clarifying diagnoses.
  6. XM3K66 Insecticide
    It contains 21 clarifying diagnosis.
  7. XM95F1 Metaldehyde
  8. XM0NK1 Methyl bromide
  9. XM6FE7 Piperonyl butoxide
  10. XM2KK3 Rodenticide
    It contains 25 clarifying diagnoses.
  11. XM6BS1 Tetradifon
  12. XM6372 Acaricide, not elsewhere classified
  13. XM8V89 Fumigant, not elsewhere classified
  14. XM0ZQ8 Molluscicide, not elsewhere classified
  15. XM5E09 Organochlorine pesticide, not elsewhere classified
  16. XM8HA3 Seed disinfectant, not elsewhere classified
  17. XM86Y5 Sulfur pesticide, not elsewhere classified
  18. XM0J68 Thiocarbamate pesticides, not elsewhere classified
  19. XM86L9 Wood preservative, not elsewhere classified
  20. XM55D5 Copper oleate
  21. XM3TB8 Aluminium phosphide
  22. XM1UP9 Azobenzene
  23. XM42L1 Calcium cyanide
  24. XM3U53 Chloropicrin
  25. XM95M5 Dinitrocyclohexylphenol
  26. XM73Y7 Dinitrophenol
  27. XM10Z2 Fluoride nonmedicinal
    It contains 1 clarifying diagnosis.
  28. XM8WA4 Hydrogen cyanide
  29. XM5X38 Mercuric oxide nonmedicinal
  30. XM3G46 Phosphine
  31. XM7Y18 Sodium arsenite
  32. XM81B2 Antimony pesticide, not elsewhere classified
  33. XM4GU5 Arsenic pesticide, not elsewhere classified
  34. XM1TW0 Cadmium pesticide, not elsewhere classified
  35. XM3757 Copper pesticide, not elsewhere classified
  36. XM77X3 Cyanide pesticide, not elsewhere classified
  37. XM7UW8 Mercury pesticide, not elsewhere classified
  38. XM8AA6 Petroleum pesticide, not elsewhere classified
  39. XM5YF7 Phenol pesticide, not elsewhere classified
  40. XM8PU3 Plant derived pesticide, not elsewhere classified
  41. XM27E8 Zinc pesticide, not elsewhere classified

The diagnosis is coded elsewhere:

The diagnosis is included in 21 another class.

  • Aluminium phosphide (XM3TB8)
  • Azobenzene (XM1UP9)
  • Calcium cyanide (XM42L1)
  • Chloropicrin (XM3U53)
  • Dinitrocyclohexylphenol (XM95M5)
  • Dinitrophenol (XM73Y7)
  • Fluoride nonmedicinal (XM10Z2)
  • Hydrogen cyanide (XM8WA4)
  • Mercuric oxide nonmedicinal (XM5X38)
  • Phosphine (XM3G46)
  • Sodium arsenite (XM7Y18)
  • Antimony pesticide, not elsewhere classified (XM81B2)
  • Arsenic pesticide, not elsewhere classified (XM4GU5)
  • Cadmium pesticide, not elsewhere classified (XM1TW0)
  • Copper pesticide, not elsewhere classified (XM3757)
  • Cyanide pesticide, not elsewhere classified (XM77X3)
  • Mercury pesticide, not elsewhere classified (XM7UW8)
  • Petroleum pesticide, not elsewhere classified (XM8AA6)
  • Phenol pesticide, not elsewhere classified (XM5YF7)
  • Plant derived pesticide, not elsewhere classified (XM8PU3)
  • Zinc pesticide, not elsewhere classified (XM27E8)

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