ICD-11 classes
X Extension Codes
Substances, chiefly nonmedicinal
Gas, fumes or vapour

ICD-11 Gas, fumes or vapour

The diagnosis has no description.

The diagnosis includes nothing.

The diagnosis excludes nothing.

Diagnosis contains 92 clarifying diagnoses:

  1. XM3GS6 Bromine vapor
  2. XM8XZ6 Carbon dioxide
  3. XM1X11 Carbon monoxide
    It contains 7 clarifying diagnoses.
  4. XM0GT6 Chlorine
  5. XM3KE4 Cyanic acid
  6. XM8Z33 Diazomethane
  7. XM70H1 Diborane
  8. XM6UG7 Dichloroethyl sulfide
  9. XM0YQ4 Ethidium chloride
  10. XM1947 Ethylene
  11. XM5EU1 Ferrovanadium
  12. XM9SB2 Fluorine
  13. XM0TV9 Formaldehyde
  14. XM0JJ6 Helium
  15. XM5LN6 Hydrocarbon gas
    It contains 6 clarifying diagnoses.
  16. XM8ZY7 Hydrogen
  17. XM7FL0 Hydrogen sulfide
  18. XM74J0 Iodine vapor
  19. XM2JX3 Lacrimogenic gas
    It contains 6 clarifying diagnoses.
  20. XM29D2 Methyl chloride
  21. XM4FU5 Methyl mercaptan
  22. XM16X6 Mustard gas
  23. XM69M3 Nitrogen oxide
    It contains 2 clarifying diagnoses.
  24. XM1418 Nonchlorofluorocarbon refrigerant gas
  25. XM54H2 Ozone
  26. XM91W5 Phosgene
  27. XM3D40 Polyester fumes
  28. XM1663 Polytetrafluoroethylene
  29. XM8242 Propylene
  30. XM2598 Sulfur oxides
    It contains 1 clarifying diagnosis.
  31. XM3NH9 Aerosol spray, not elsewhere classified
  32. XM1D37 Firedamp, not elsewhere classified
  33. XM61G0 Nerve gas, not elsewhere classified
  34. XM60X6 Oil fumes, not elsewhere classified
  35. XM1EM9 Sewer gas, not elsewhere classified
  36. XM6QK6 Smog, not elsewhere classified
  37. XM9N00 Smoke, not elsewhere classified
  38. XM0G86 Sternutator gas, not elsewhere classified
  39. XM5Q94 Acetaldehyde vapor
  40. XM4YD3 Acetylene tetrachloride vapor
  41. XM2QW2 Acridine vapor
  42. XM2MJ1 Acrolein gas
  43. XM9BA5 Alcohol vapor
  44. XM4TP4 Ammonia
    It contains 1 clarifying diagnosis.
  45. XM1JM2 Amyl acetate vapor
  46. XM0061 Aniline vapor
  47. XM8TE5 Brake fluid vapor
  48. XM5AP1 Boron trifluoride
  49. XM0386 Carbon tetrachloride vapor
  50. XM9P39 Chlorinated naphthalene vapor
  51. XM5VH9 Chlorodinitrobenzene vapor
  52. XM6YR0 Chloroethylene
  53. XM1GP5 Chloroform vapor
  54. XM5S30 Chloronitrobenzene vapor
  55. XM3U53 Chloropicrin
  56. XM1926 Cordite vapor
  57. XM1ZE4 Cyanogen
    It contains 1 clarifying diagnosis.
  58. XM74T0 Decaborane fumes
  59. XM7EF6 Dichloromethane vapor
  60. XM8TX4 Dimethyl sulfate fumes
  61. XM54Q3 Dinitrobenzene vapor
  62. XM7Q61 Dynamite fumes
  63. XM0N40 Ethyl ether nonmedicinal
    It contains 1 clarifying diagnosis.
  64. XM5HK4 Ethylene chlorohydrin vapor
  65. XM8QX0 Ethylene dichloride vapor
  66. XM4G15 Ethylene oxide
  67. XM6SY2 Formic acid vapor
  68. XM9813 Freon
    It contains 2 clarifying diagnoses.
  69. XM6QZ3 Hydrochloric acid vapor
  70. XM8WA4 Hydrogen cyanide
  71. XM34T7 Hydrogen fluoride vapor
  72. XM1N69 Hydroquinone vapor
  73. XM07J5 Lindane vapor
  74. XM0NK1 Methyl bromide
  75. XM5Y11 Methyl sulfate fumes
  76. XM2E62 Mineral spirits fumes
  77. XM5CC8 Nitric acid vapor
  78. XM8M07 Nitroaniline vapor
  79. XM2VA4 Nitrobenzene vapor
  80. XM5F24 Nitrotoluene vapor
  81. XM6QY4 Nitrous acid fumes
  82. XM07R4 Osmic acid fumes
  83. XM7TE7 Pyridine vapor
  84. XM4HH9 Selenium fumes
  85. XM6KZ0 Sodium hypochlorite vapor
  86. XM5LE8 Tar fumes
  87. XM4N54 Tetrachloroethane vapor
  88. XM86D7 Tetrachloroethylene vapor
  89. XM7YS9 Trichloroethylene vapor
  90. XM7S87 Toluidine vapor
  91. XM57L3 Corrosive cleaning product fumes, not elsewhere classified
  92. XM1XL9 Paint fumes, not elsewhere classified

The diagnosis is coded elsewhere:

The diagnosis is included in 54 other classes.

  • Acetaldehyde vapor (XM5Q94)
  • Acetylene tetrachloride vapor (XM4YD3)
  • Acridine vapor (XM2QW2)
  • Acrolein gas (XM2MJ1)
  • Alcohol vapor (XM9BA5)
  • Ammonia (XM4TP4)
  • Amyl acetate vapor (XM1JM2)
  • Aniline vapor (XM0061)
  • Brake fluid vapor (XM8TE5)
  • Boron trifluoride (XM5AP1)
  • Carbon tetrachloride vapor (XM0386)
  • Chlorinated naphthalene vapor (XM9P39)
  • Chlorodinitrobenzene vapor (XM5VH9)
  • Chloroethylene (XM6YR0)
  • Chloroform vapor (XM1GP5)
  • Chloronitrobenzene vapor (XM5S30)
  • Chloropicrin (XM3U53)
  • Cordite vapor (XM1926)
  • Cyanogen (XM1ZE4)
  • Decaborane fumes (XM74T0)
  • Dichloromethane vapor (XM7EF6)
  • Dimethyl sulfate fumes (XM8TX4)
  • Dinitrobenzene vapor (XM54Q3)
  • Dynamite fumes (XM7Q61)
  • Ethyl ether nonmedicinal (XM0N40)
  • Ethylene chlorohydrin vapor (XM5HK4)
  • Ethylene dichloride vapor (XM8QX0)
  • Ethylene oxide (XM4G15)
  • Formic acid vapor (XM6SY2)
  • Freon (XM9813)
  • Hydrochloric acid vapor (XM6QZ3)
  • Hydrogen cyanide (XM8WA4)
  • Hydrogen fluoride vapor (XM34T7)
  • Hydroquinone vapor (XM1N69)
  • Lindane vapor (XM07J5)
  • Methyl bromide (XM0NK1)
  • Methyl sulfate fumes (XM5Y11)
  • Mineral spirits fumes (XM2E62)
  • Nitric acid vapor (XM5CC8)
  • Nitroaniline vapor (XM8M07)
  • Nitrobenzene vapor (XM2VA4)
  • Nitrotoluene vapor (XM5F24)
  • Nitrous acid fumes (XM6QY4)
  • Osmic acid fumes (XM07R4)
  • Pyridine vapor (XM7TE7)
  • Selenium fumes (XM4HH9)
  • Sodium hypochlorite vapor (XM6KZ0)
  • Tar fumes (XM5LE8)
  • Tetrachloroethane vapor (XM4N54)
  • Tetrachloroethylene vapor (XM86D7)
  • Trichloroethylene vapor (XM7YS9)
  • Toluidine vapor (XM7S87)
  • Corrosive cleaning product fumes, not elsewhere classified (XM57L3)
  • Paint fumes, not elsewhere classified (XM1XL9)

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