ICD-11 classes
06 Mental, behavioural or neurodevelopmental disorders
Sexual dysfunctions
HA01 — Sexual arousal dysfunctions
HA01.0 — Female sexual arousal dysfunction

ICD-11 HA01.0 — Female sexual arousal dysfunction

Female sexual arousal dysfunction is characterised by absence or marked reduction in response to sexual stimulation in women, as manifested by any of the following: 1) Absence or marked reduction in genital response, including vulvovaginal lubrication, engorgement of the genitalia, and sensitivity of the genitalia; 2) Absence or marked reduction in non-genital responses such as hardening of the nipples, flushing of the skin, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, and increased respiration rate; 3) Absence or marked reduction in feelings of sexual arousal (sexual excitement and sexual pleasure) from any type of sexual stimulation. The absence or marked reduction in response to sexual stimulation occurs despite the desire for sexual activity and adequate sexual stimulation, has occurred episodically or persistently over a period at least several months, and is associated with clinically significant distress.

The diagnosis includes nothing.

The diagnosis excludes nothing.

Diagnosis with code HA01.0 contains 5 clarifying diagnoses:

  1. HA01.00 — Female sexual arousal dysfunction, lifelong, generalised
  2. HA01.01 — Female sexual arousal dysfunction, lifelong, situational
  3. HA01.02 — Female sexual arousal dysfunction, acquired, generalised
  4. HA01.03 — Female sexual arousal dysfunction, acquired, situational
  5. HA01.0Z — Female sexual arousal dysfunction, unspecified

The diagnosis is coded elsewhere:

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