ICD-11 classes
X Extension Codes
Extension codes of particular relevance to skin diseases
Histopathology by behaviour
Benign tumours
Nerve sheath tumours, benign

ICD-11 Nerve sheath tumours, benign

The diagnosis has no description.

The diagnosis includes nothing.

The diagnosis excludes nothing.

Diagnosis contains 20 clarifying diagnoses:

  1. XH5T39 Acoustic neuroma
  2. XH0U07 Ancient schwannoma
  3. XH8WW8 Cellular schwannoma
  4. XH75P8 Degenerated schwannoma
  5. XH2GD5 Melanotic neurofibroma
  6. XH87J5 Neurofibroma, NOS
  7. XH2MJ4 Plexiform neurofibroma
  8. XH9XT2 Plexiform schwannoma
  9. XH9MN2 Psammomatous schwannoma
  10. XH98Z3 Schwannoma, NOS
  11. XH27Y1 Nerve sheath tumour, NOS
  12. XH01G0 Hybrid nerve sheath tumour
  13. XH4UE6 Neuroma, NOS
  14. XH90Y8 Solitary circumscribed neuroma
  15. XH0XF7 Perineurioma, NOS
  16. XH3L35 Nerve sheath myxoma
  17. XH9QH2 Soft tissue perineurioma
  18. XH4BQ8 Intraneural perineurioma
  19. XH1UZ6 Cellular neurothekeoma
  20. XH9J01 ​Benign ​​Triton tumour

The diagnosis is coded elsewhere:

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