ICD-11 classes
01 Certain infectious or parasitic diseases
Viral infections of the central nervous system
1C80 — Viral encephalitis not elsewhere classified
1D80.3 — Encephalitis due to mumps virus

ICD-11 1D80.3 — Encephalitis due to mumps virus

: An inflammatory process of the brain, frequently with evidence of meningeal involvement, due to infection by mumps virus. The clinical manifestations are usually acute, with fever and variable combinations of convulsions, impaired mental state, and focal deficits. The spinal fluid may show a cellular reaction and elevated protein. Diagnosis is by neuroimaging, spinal fluid analysis and culture, PCR, and serologic tests.

It includes 1 item.

  • Mumps encephalitis

The diagnosis excludes nothing.

It has no clarifying diagnoses.

The diagnosis is coded elsewhere:

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